A happy Mothers' Day to all! This will be a benefit for local drummer Mike Hammond, who is faced with having his foot amputated. The roster of talent is amazing. The Citykings will have 2 guys sitting in on this gig. Kim Van Zant, my buddy from Johnny and the Wildcats, will be on guitar. Bill will be in Austin at his step- daughter's college graduation. Bubba Frederick will be playing bass with us. Randolph's been working out of town and won't be around. It's a different Citykings and we've been practising and getting our sound together for a few weeks now. Me and Scott will be there. I still haven't found out what time exactly we will be scheduled to go on, but as soon as I do, I will send that information along. My guess is between 5 and 7. We'll play for around 35-45 minutes. Then the next band goes on. Should be a great time; hope y'all can make it if you're up for it.
Thanks, JB



The Citykings



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