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Warriors Of Honor - DVD

The Revolutionary War united America. Less than one hundred years later a bloody Civil War divided it. Most Americans believe that Southerners fought to preserve slavery; however a much deeper divide existed between the North and South. Two drastically different cultures had emerged on the American landscape. This documentary places the war in its historical and cultural context. It guides the viewer through the causes and the major battles of the Civil War while providing insight into the lives of two stalwart men who fought for the South.

Item 90459D
Region: US and Canada
Media Type: DVD
Running Time: 1 hr 20 min
Category: American
Genre: Documentary
Audience: Adults
Occasion: Patriotic
Retail: $19.99
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The Revolutionary War united America. Less than one hundred years later a bloody Civil War divided it. Most Americans believe that Southerners fought to preserve slavery; however a much deeper divide existed between the North and South. Two drastically different cultures had emerged on the American landscape.

This documentary places the war in its historical and cultural context. It guides the viewer through the causes and the major battles of the Civil War while providing insight into the lives of two stalwart men who fought for the South. Both were masterful generals, brilliant strategists and, above all, faithful Christians. The faith of these "Warriors of Honor" governed their lives on and off the battlefield, and their legacies continue even today.




Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor

(2 Hrs Long)

Most complete report on Anti-Christ ever made. Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor. Fr. O'Connor shows how we will be able to recognize the Anti-Christ through Bible and Current Events, that he is alive and prepared to enter world seen, about infiltration of Catholic Church, about the New World Order, end of US independence, One World Socialist Atheist Government, Wars, Paper Money, Homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church, Our near Future, How to prepare our self for persecution and more ... Must see. Best Seller.

(DVD 2hrs) ...........$ 20.00
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Evolution Conspiracy - DVD

Unmasks fraudulent cover-ups, wild speculations, and deceitful myths that have been presented as the absolute "facts" of evolution. Should evolutionism, the foundational faith of eastern mystical thought, be taught in schools as science, when Creationism, the foundational belief of Judeo-Christianity, has been expelled?

TECD - Sale Price: $21.75
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Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy - Complete Report
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos, DVDs and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy with Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CD, DVD Videos and Books
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?



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